A strange side-effect of 5:2 ?

Since regaining a healthy weight we are both feeling more energetic and re-invigorated with a zest for life. No bad thing!

What has happened though is that thoughts that we were mulling over have suddenly taken a life of their own and we have found ourselves deciding that what we really would enjoy doing next is to live on a barge, exploring the canals of Europe….

So my focus on healthy eating blogging has taken a bit of a back seat, as work has gone on to develop a website for marketing our beautiful house here in South West France. You can see that here www.houseinfrancewithincome.com 

House in France with Income for Sale

We have also been to visit friends living on a barge and have arranged to do a barge-handling course at the end of next month. All very exciting stuff!

So plenty to do here to get everything ready, but meanwhile continuing with 5:2.

This last week we have managed two good fast days and I am happily now under 9 stone and closing in on my target, whilst Graham is now at a comfortable, healthy weight which he wants to stay at.

I’m still using and creating new recipes, though I’m finding after 15 weeks that we have settled into an easy pattern on fast days and have a few favourite meal plans that we keep returning to.

This week on Monday we had our usual scrambled egg and smoked trout for breakfast and for dinner we enjoyed Simple Vegetable Soup, a No-Carb Chicken Caesar Salad (as per Michael Mosley’s book) and strawberries with fromage blanc

Smoked Trout and Scrambled Egg Simple Vegetable Soup No Carb Chicken Caesar Salad

On Thursday it was plain yogurt with prunes for me (porridge with prunes for him) and then  for dinner, more of the soup (which I had made a big batch of on Monday), Salmon Teriyaki with steamed asparagus and vegetables , followed by my variation of the BBC Good Food recipe for Spiced Glazed Pineapple with Cinnamon Fromage Frais – I use very little honey with the pineapple, a very small amount of butter and don’t sweeten the fromage frais at all. 

Teriyaki Salmon _MG_3300


I am keen to keep going with writing up my recipes and am planning to get a preliminary kindle version of my book ready as soon as I can, with the idea of helping to raise money for my dear friend’s granddaughter, Lexi Sky, so that she will be able to leave hospital and go home. If you find useful information here on my website, there is no better way that you could say thank you than donating a little something to her cause. Please find the link here.

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